Festival Tips w/ Desperados: #7 Recharging One‘s Batteries

Festival Tips w/ Desperados: #7 Recharging One‘s Batteries

By Sabine Spethling


Desperados and tunes&wings teamed up to present you their festival tips 2018. Biweekly articles guide you through the summer months and to a fantastic festival season. Camping hacks, rave outfits, sustainability, how to keep your drinks cool and much more. Cheers to a fantastic festival summer!

Yeah, festivals are a place full of joy, pleasure, good music, new friends and good times, but they also come with a lack of sleep and an unhealthy lifestyle. How to avoid feeling like a a piece of sh** after or even during a festival? Read this! Here you will find out about consciousness and a healthy lifestyle at festivals by enjoying the music with all senses and full of energy.



Guess what, your yoga mat is not only a great camping hack for underneath your sleeping bag, but helps you with preventing back pain. Dancing for hours and sleeping in uncomfortable tents can hurt sometimes as our lower back is not happy about raving in front of the stage for hours. How you can avoid this or mitigate the pain are yoga and stretching exercises. There are many youtube videos online that show you how to do it. One of the best poses is the downward facing dog as it brings length in your back. Another advantage of yoga is the silence. Not in the outside, but the inside. Grounding the inner self can be such an eye opener, give it a try! Many festivals nowadays even offer yoga sessions and sometimes in combination with deep sounds, an amazing holistic experience for mind, body & soul!



Yes, if the festival organisers are not having an eye on healthy food you might have difficulties to eat and drink what’s good for your body and helps keeping your energy high. But what you can do is taking healthy snacks with you like nuts, apples, bananas and for your breakfast maybe porridge that you can cook with water on your camping cooker. When it comes to liquid nourishment it’s not only good to drink responsible, but to stay hydrated and to drink a lot of water. Rule: 1 Desperados + 1 bottle of water = super! Also watch out for high degrees, alcohol can hit you hard when the sun is shining on your head for hours.

Deep Sound Sleep

Rule number one when you are camping on festivals: Check out the surrounding before building up your tent, otherwise you won’t have much sleep at night (or morning if you like dancing into the sunrise). Make sure you are far away from the stages, because the bass can be very annoying when you actually want to have a short time-out of the festival. Also make sure no toilets or showers are directly near your little safe heaven. The sun is shining like hell? Watch out for a shady spot. Let’s say you found the perfect place for your tent; what you need now are earplugs and a sleep mask, because ‘music on – world off’ does not always work. The better you sleep at night – the better you can enjoy the music and people the next day.


And if all that doesn’t help: Take a short time off to take care of yourself. Find a quiet spot in nature, close your eyes and just breathe for some minutes – et voilà!

You’ve got other approved tips? Join us in the closed community for techno&travel lovers worldwide and share your ideas with likeminded people.

This article was created in friendly cooperation with Desperados.


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