A Journey through the Electronic Music World

A Journey through the Electronic Music World

By Sabine Spethling


From March 8–10, 2019, the Berlin Travel Festival ventures into new territories, bringing together new ways of traveling with the new traveler. For this occasion, tunes&wings takes you on a journey through the world of electronic music. 30 years of techno in Berlin. A good opportunity to take a look at the subculture ‘techno’ in an international context. Exciting destinations, interesting people and insights into local scenes of the electronic music are waiting for you.


This article is available as podcast on Spotify and iTunes.The presentation will take place on Sunday, March 10 at 5:15 pm. More information about the presentation of tunes&wings can be found here.


You have the chance to win 1×2 tickets for the Berlin Travel Festival. Visit the facebook event of tunes&wings for more information. Here you can find the conditions of participation. Beginning of the participation is February 12 2019 at 6:00 pm (CET) and end of the participation is February 15, 2019 at 1:00 pm.


Want to know more about the Berlin Travel Festival? Bernd Neff, the co-founder of the Berlin Travel Festival recorded a podcast episode with us and presented the concept of the event:


In this interview we are talking about:

  • How the idea of the festival came into his mind
  • What people can expect at the Berlin Travel Festival
  • The most exciting projects they portray there
  • Why do you think is it necessary to make a shift in the travel branch?
  • How the travel business changed in the last three years
  • Which impact traveling has on his personal life
  • The biggest challenge travel has to pass in the next years
  • His personal top 3 destinations


Cover Picture by Aron Klein (Meadows In The Mountains)


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