Interview w/ DJ T. about Living his Spiritual Side

Interview w/ DJ T. about Living his Spiritual Side

By Sabine Spethling


There is actually no need to introduce DJ T. He’s into electronic music since the end of the 80ies, founded the Groove Magazine and co-founded a club in Frankfurt and Get Physical Records. Besides that he’s DJing, touring and producing. In this podcast episode we are talking about a side, that has always been inside of him and which he’s now living to the fullest. It embraces electronic music thats leads to an inner journey.


This article is available as podcast on Spotify and iTunes.

In this interview we are talking about:

  • How he discovered the spiritual side within him
  • What fascinates him about the Sacred Valley and the culture in Peru
  • The spiritual side of electronic music
  • Ecstatic dance ceremonies
  • His new release „Ready to shine“ and the upcoming album
  • His top 3 learnings out of 2019
  • The upcoming months where he will be traveling and touring through Mexico

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